Shroom Service! Delivering the Best Tremella Mushroom Soup Recipe.

Hello there, culinary explorer! Would you like  to delve into a recipe that's as healthful as it is delicious - Tremella Mushroom Soup. This soup brings together an amazing mix of flavors and textures, and with optional ingredients like Asian pear, lotus seeds, and pearl barley, you can customize it to your liking.

It takes less than 30 minutes to set it off and 1 -2 hours to cook. You can also slow cook it to perfection for the most tender and melt-in-your-mouth experience imaginable. I personally let it simmer for 3-4 hours on "low" but you don't have to!

Tremella Mushroom, What Is It?

Tremella mushroom, also known as Snow Fungus, Snow ear, Silver ear fungus is a type of white, jelly-like mushroom that grows in the tropics on dead, hardwood logs. But it's not just pretty to look at! The Tremella mushroom is a superstar in traditional medicine  particularly in China, where it's been used for centuries for its amazing health benefits.

It's believed to nourish the lungs, soothe dry coughs, and even promote a glowing complexion. Plus, it absorbs flavors beautifully, making it a versatile ingredient in many delicious recipes. Now, isn't that fascinating?

Trimella Mushroom's Health Benefits

Let me share some fantastic health benefits of Tremella mushrooms, your new superfood friend. Firstly, they're a fantastic source of dietary fiber, aiding in smooth digestion and gut health.

They also come packed with powerful antioxidants that help fend off damaging free radicals. But that's not all - Tremella mushrooms are celebrated for their skin-enhancing properties, owing to their high polysaccharide content, which boosts hydration and elasticity.

And let's not forget their immune-boosting and anti-inflammatory attributes. So, adding Tremella mushrooms to your diet is not only a delight for your taste buds but also a big thumbs-up for your overall health. Isn't that wonderful?

What's In Tremella Mushroom Soup: Nutrition Facts

Tremella mushrooms, also known as Snow Fungus, are a nutritional delight. In one cup of these mushrooms, you'll find about 200 calories, nearly zero fat, and an impressive 36.9g of carbohydrates and more than 12 grams of protein!

Tremella mushrooms outshine many others with their  extremely high dietary fiber content, making them great for digestion.

Plus, they're loaded with essential vitamins like D, B1, B2, and B6, and important minerals such as zinc and folate.

You'll also benefit from their rich antioxidant content, which helps combat harmful free radicals.


Red dates also known as jujubes, are a nutritious fruit packed with health benefits. A serving size of half a cup (100g) contains approximately 79 calories and no fat, making them a healthy choice for those watching their calorie intake.

They are rich in carbohydrates, with about 20 grams per serving, and an impressive fiber content of 10 grams. Protein content is modest at 1 gram. Jujubes are also a great source of Vitamin C, fulfilling 77% of the Daily Value. Notably, they contain key minerals like iron and phosphorous, essential for red blood cell production.


Goji berries are a nutrient-dense fruit known for their high antioxidant content. A 100g serving of these berries provides approximately 349 calories, with a minimal fat content of 0.4g.

They are rich in carbohydrates (77g) and provide a substantial amount of dietary fiber (13g), contributing to gut health. Goji berries are also an excellent source of protein, offering 14.3g per serving.

They contain important vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B2, zinc, and selenium. Notably, they have the highest concentrations of melatonin among common dried fruits.


Lotus seeds are a nutritious and versatile food with numerous health benefits. A 100g serving of raw, fresh lotus seeds contains approximately 89 calories, while dried lotus seeds contain about 106 calories per 32g serving.

They are low in fat, with only 0.6g per serving, and offer a good source of protein (4.9g) and carbohydrates (21g). Lotus seeds are rich in essential vitamins including vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin A and E.

Lotus seeds also provide important minerals such as magnesium and phosphorus. Whether consumed raw, baked, or puffed, these seeds serve as a healthy addition to your diet.


Pearl barley is a highly nutritious grain with several health benefits. A one-cup serving of cooked pearl barley contains approximately 193 calories, with a minimal fat content of 0.7g. I

Barley is rich in carbohydrates (44.3g) and provides a good amount of dietary fiber (6g), which aids digestion. Additionally, it offers a modest amount of protein at 3.6g per serving. It is also noteworthy for its vitamin and mineral content, including potassium, folate, iron, and vitamin B-6, all of which support cardiovascular functions.


  • 2-3 dried Tremella mushrooms
  • 10-12 red dates (jujubes)
  • 10-15 grams goji berries
  • Rock sugar to taste
  • 1 Asian pear (optional)
  • 30 grams lotus seeds (optional)
  • 25 grams pearl barley (optional)


  1. Kick things off by soaking the Tremella mushrooms in cold water for about an hour until they become soft and expand. Once done, tear them into bite-sized pieces, discarding any hard bits.
  2. While the mushrooms are soaking, rinse the red dates, goji berries, lotus seeds (if using), and pearl barley (if using) under cold water.
  3. If you've chosen to include the Asian pear, peel and core it, then cut it into chunks.
  4. Now, let's bring it all together. Fill a large pot with about 1.5 litres of water and bring it to a boil. Add the prepared Tremella mushrooms, reduce the heat to a simmer, cover the pot, and let it cook for an hour.
  5. After an hour, add the cleaned red dates, goji berries, lotus seeds, pearl barley, and pear chunks (if using) to the pot. Continue to simmer for another 30 minutes.
  6. Sweeten your soup by adding rock sugar according to your taste. Stir until the sugar is fully dissolved.
  7. Voila! Your Tremella fungus Soup is ready to serve. You can enjoy it hot, or let it cool down for a refreshing chilled soup.

If you choose to use a slow cooker, put all the prepared ingredients except the rock sugar in the pot, cover with cold water and bring to the boil, then turn to low and let simmer for 3 -4 hours. Add the rock sugar during the last hour. There you have it!

This traditional Tremella Soup recipe isn't just a concoction!  It was bestowed upon me by my friend Pohly, who has skin as radiant as a morning sunrise, and who let me in on the secret confessing that she had "borrowed" it from her mother's treasured recipe book.

This soup has it all - sweet, savoury, and an abundance of nutrients. Enjoy!


How do you eat Tremella?

Eating Tremella is a truly unique and exciting experience. Tremella, also known as silver ear, snow mushroom, or white jelly mushroom, is a species of fungus native to east Asia that has been used for centuries as an ingredient in  traditional Chinese medicine and cuisine alike.

Tremella can be consumed fresh or dried. Fresh tremella needs to be cooked before eating and can easily be prepared by boiling it in water with other ingredients like herbs and spices for about 15 minutes or until tender.

You can also sauté them with garlic or shallots before adding other ingredients such as ginger root powder, bamboo shoots, mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms or even heavy cream if desired!

It's important to note that fresh tremella should not be eaten raw due to its slippery texture which could cause stomach discomfort so always cook it properly first.

Dried tremella on the other hand requires soaking prior to consumption similar to dried shiitake mushrooms because they are much harder than when fresh - just add some hot water over the top then let them sit for about 10-20 minutes until they soften up again.

Again you can add different seasonings like soy sauce and sesame oil while cooking them together with vegetables and meats like pork belly strips for extra flavor!

Tremella is believed to have many health benefits including regulating blood sugar levels as well aiding digestion & providing lots of vitamins & minerals

The high beta glucan content of treemalla helps strengthen the immune system too so make sure you include it in your diet regularly!

What does Tremella taste like?

Tremella, also known as silver ear or tree ear fungus, is a species of jelly mushroom often found in Chinese cuisine. Its texture is rather unique with an extremely delicate and bouncy consistency that is quite different from other mushrooms.

It has a slightly sweet flavor that can best be described as umami-like with some subtle notes of citrus and earthiness.

When it comes to preparation, Tremella can be boiled in soups, pan-fried and added to dishes like stir-fries, used in Chinese desserts such as sweet soup balls or double skinned steamed pudding, and even cooked into congee (rice porridge).

As its texture feels almost similar to agar jelly when hydrated fully before boiling, it's commonly used for thickening Chinese soup bases too.

As far as nutritional value goes - Tremella contains significant levels of dietary fiber along with vitamins C and B complex which makes this edible mushroom great for improving digestion while also providing antioxidants such as polysaccharides which have been linked with anti-aging benefits among other research findings.

Hence why it has long been associated with traditional Chinese medicine where it’s believed to help increase energy levels due to the glucose content present within it.

Is white fungus soup healthy?

White fungus soup has been a popular dish in Chinese culture for centuries and is indeed considered to be very healthy. It contains high levels of dietary fiber, which helps to regulate the metabolism, reduce cholesterol levels, and aid digestion.

White fungus can also help boost your immune system, protect against radiation damage from the environment, reduce signs of aging due to its antioxidant properties, improve circulation and promote healthy skin.

Additionally, the broth from white fungus soup contains bone marrow which can increase collagen production in your body.

White fungus itself is low in calories but high in calcium and vitamin D. It's an excellent choice for those looking to lose weight as it is filling yet light at the same time.

The combination of fiber content with other ingredients such as pork or chicken can ensure that you get essential nutrients necessary for good health without taking on too many extra calories.

It's important to note though that white fungus soup should always be prepared properly – boiling it or cooking at high temperatures will destroy its beneficial nutrients so make sure you cook correctly for maximum benefits!

Overall white fungus soup is an incredibly nutritious dish that offers many health benefits making it a worthy addition to any diet plan!

However, always make sure that whatever additional ingredients included meet all safety guidelines required by food safety regulations before consuming them together with the white fungus soup since cooking times may differ otherwise leading to potential food poisoning outcomes if not prepared correctly!

Overall though white fungus soup should certainly be a part of any balanced diet when enjoyed responsibly - providing a delicious meal alongside important nutritional value!

Is white fungus good for lungs?

Yes, white fungus can be good for the lungs! The beneficial properties of this fungi have been known for centuries in Asian cultures, where it has long been used as a traditional remedy.

White fungus is known to contain high amounts of antioxidants and polysaccharides which help protect against inflammation and oxidative damage to cells.

Studies have shown that these polysaccharides possess anti-inflammatory effects on various conditions including respiratory diseases such as chronic bronchitis and asthma.

Furthermore, white fungus contains a variety of vitamins and minerals including calcium, iron, zinc and magnesium which are essential for healthy lung function.

In addition to helping with lung related issues such as inflammation and infection control, white fungus may also be useful in strengthening the immune system because of its antiviral properties.

It has been observed that when consumed regularly over time it can help build up immunity against various viruses by stimulating the body’s production of natural antibodies.

This could potentially make a person less prone to serious illnesses like pneumonia or even cancer since their immune system will be stronger than usual making them better suited to fighting off any virus or disease before it fully sets in.

Ultimately, while there is some scientific evidence suggesting that white fungus may benefit our overall health by providing critical nutrients needed for healthy respiratory functioning - more research needs to be done in order to understand how exactly these compounds interact with our bodies before any specific health claims can be made about its function in protecting us from illness or aiding us during recovery from existing lung problems.

Does Tremella contain collagen?

Absolutely! Tremella is a type of mushroom that contains high levels of collagen. Collagen is a major component of the skin's connective tissue, and it helps to promote healthy skin and hair growth.

Tremella is known for its ability to repair damaged collagen fibers, making it an ideal supplement for promoting healthier looking skin and hair.

Tremella mushrooms contain several types of amino acids such as proline, glycine, lysine, glutamic acid, arginine, hydroxyproline, and cysteine which are all necessary for maintaining healthy collagen levels in the body.

Furthermore, they also contain antioxidants that protect against free radical damage which can accelerate the breakdown of collagen over time.

In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), Tremella has been used to treat many ailments including allergies and coughs since ancient times due to their anti-inflammatory properties.

It's believed that these properties help maintain youthful-looking skin by providing nutrients needed to produce new collagen which increases complexion suppleness while reducing wrinkles and fine lines caused by aging or dehydration.

Due to its abundance in naturally occurring compounds with antioxidant capacity -as well as other essential micronutrients such as vitamins C & E - taking Tremella supplements regularly may help support youthful looking skin while fending off premature signs of aging from within your body.

Is mushroom a high risk food?

Yes, mushroom can be a high risk food if not handled properly. Mushroom is a fungi that contains high levels of water and can easily absorb toxins from the surrounding environment.

For this reason, it is important to buy mushrooms from reliable sources and to cook them thoroughly before consumption in order to reduce the amount of toxins present in the mushroom.

When harvested for culinary purposes, wild mushrooms should always be eaten with caution as they may contain poisonous species or misidentified poisonous species.

Even when purchasing cultivated varieties like button, shiitake or cremini it is important to buy them only from recognized suppliers who guarantee their identity and origin according to rules set by specialized governmental services such as local health departments or regional government authorities.

Additionally, look for any visible signs of decay such as mold or insect damage before consuming; discard any mushrooms showing these elements immediately.

It's also wise to keep in mind that some individuals are more vulnerable than others—those with compromised immune systems especially—and should avoid eating fresh mushrooms altogether due to the possible presence of mycotoxins (toxins produced by certain fungi).

Finally, make sure you cook up any purchased mushrooms prior to consumption because cooked varieties will have fewer traces of toxins than raw ones do – boiling them for 3–5 minutes should do the trick!

In conclusion: yes, mushroom can indeed pose a risk if not handled properly; however with adequate preparation and caution this risk can be managed so long as consumers adhere strictly to reliable purchasing practices and thorough cooking methods during meal preparation.